Percorsi Italia BolzanoTirolo - Tirol
Alter Tirolerweg - Vecchia Via Tirolo

Tirolo - Tirol, Bolzano, Italia

Alter Tirolerweg - Vecchia Via Tirolo

Lunghezza2.7 km
Altezza Raggiunta128 m
Dettagli Percorso
Alter Tirolerweg - Vecchia Via Tiroloè un 2.7 km(4.000-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a Tirolo - Tirol, Bolzano, Italia.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 128 m ed è classificato con medio. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.

Steinerner Steg

Attrazione turistica
The Steinerner Steg (Italian: Ponte Romano) is a two-arched, stone-built footbridge across the Passer in Merano, South Tyrol, northern Italy. The oldest bridge in the town, it connects the historic centre and the Steinach district with the Obermais quarter.In 1615 the wooden aqueduct which spanned the river here had fallen into disrepair and the town decided to demolish it and build a stone bridge in its place.

Palais Mamming

Attrazione turistica
The Palais Mamming Museum is the city museum of Meran, South Tyrol.

Women's Museum Meran

The Women's Museum Meran is located in a former convent of the Poor Clares in the centre of Meran (Italy). It is administrated by an association and is also the registration office of the International Association of Women's Museums (IAWM).

San Nicolò, Merano

San Nicolò (Church of St. Nicholas, German: Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus) is the parish church of the town of Merano in South Tyrol, northern Italy.The church is dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of the town. It is located at the end of the Laubengasse in the old town centre between the Domplatz and Pfarrplatz.

Chapel of Santa Barbara, Merano

The Chapel of Santa Barbara (German: St.-Barbara-Kapelle) is a chapel located in the town of Merano in South Tyrol, northern Italy.The chapel stands right behind the church of San Nicolò. The layout of the chapel is octagonal. It was built by the architect Hans von Burghausen in 1450, who also designed the Hospital Church.
Dettagli Percorso


2.7 km

Altezza Raggiunta

128 m


Apri nell'AppApri