Nonsuch Park
Length 1.2 Km

Benhill Walk
Length 3.1 Km

Sherdley Park
Length 0.4 Km

Ridgegate Reservoir
Length 3.0 Km

Rosehill Park East
Length 1.4 Km

Rosehill Park
Length 3.4 Km

Nonsuch Park Hotel
Length 2.5 Km

Benhill Recreation Ground
Length 2.9 Km

Reigate and Banstead Millennium Trail
Length 30.7 Km

London LOOP (Section 7)
Length 5.6 Km

LOOP link to Banstead station
Length 0.5 Km

Moor Road
Length 1.0 Km

Oldfields Road
Length 0.2 Km

Old Bedford Low Bank
Length 2.1 Km

White Cliffs Country Trail
Length 1.2 Km