Routes EnglandRatlinghope
Stiperstones, Heath Picture & Linley Hill: Shropshire

Ratlinghope, England

Stiperstones, Heath Picture & Linley Hill: Shropshire

Length10.4 mi
Elev. Gain1617 ft
Est. Steps24000



Scenic views

Wild flowers

Quiet place

Private property

Created by andrew.calderbank
Stiperstones, Heath Picture & Linley Hill: Shropshire is a 10.5 mile (24,000-step) route located near Ratlinghope, Shrewsbury, England. This route has an elevation gain of about 1617 ft and is rated as hard. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
There is one section where you have to cross private land for literally a few metres to join up the bridleways. There is an alternative route you could take if you don’t want to do that!
Route Details


10.4 mi

Elev. Gain

1617 ft

Est. Steps

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