Routes USA CaliforniaCupertino
Walk the Apple Computer Buildings in Cupertino

Cupertino, California, USA

Walk the Apple Computer Buildings in Cupertino

Length1.9 mi
Elev. Gain39.4 ft
Est. Steps4500


Places to sit

Wheelchair friendly

Stroller friendly

Kid friendly

Dog friendly

Historic site

Created by Cynthia 🐈😊🌷
Walk the Apple Computer Buildings in Cupertino is a 1.9 mile (4,500-step) route located near Cupertino, California, USA. This route has an elevation gain of about 39.4 ft and is rated as easy. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App.
Start on Greenleaf Drive in Cupertino (for easy parking). Walk to the wall at the end of the street and you’ll see the pedestrian opening. Go over to Bandley to start your tour - these have been Apple buildings since the early 1980’s. As you walk over to Valley Green and De Anza, you’ll see more buildings. You’ll end up at Infinite Loop - Apple headquarters before the “Spaceship” was built on Wolfe Road. Take a few minutes to stroll through one of the flagship Apple Stores.
Route Details


1.9 mi

Elev. Gain

39.4 ft

Est. Steps

Created by
Cynthia 🐈😊🌷
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