Percorsi Stati Uniti d'America CaliforniaSan Diego
Oak Grove Loop Trail

San Diego, California, Stati Uniti d'America

Oak Grove Loop Trail

Lunghezza0.8 km
Altezza Raggiunta16 m


Paesaggi scenici

Fiori di campo

Vita selvaggia


Creato da Mr10K
Dettagli Percorso
Oak Grove Loop Trailè un 0.8 km(1.000-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a San Diego, California, Stati Uniti d'America.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 16 m ed è classificato con facile. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.
This is an easy portion of the Oak Grove Loop Trail, perfect for young kids or anyone looking for a quick trek on something other than pavement. Start the route near the Visitor Center at Mission Trails Regional Park. Head east along the well maintained path. There are nice views of the hills and mountains in the park as well as clusters of the native oaks. Birds, rodents and lizards can frequently be seen crossing the path. Be sure to keep an eye out for snakes during the warm months. There are a couple tables toward the end of the route that could be used as a picnic spot or a place to plan your next route.
Dettagli Percorso


0.8 km

Altezza Raggiunta

16 m


Creato da
Apri nell'AppApri