Percorsi Stati Uniti d'America FloridaMiramar Beach
Baytown Avenue Loop - Sandestin Resort, Florida

Miramar Beach, Florida, Stati Uniti d'America

Baytown Avenue Loop - Sandestin Resort, Florida

Lunghezza5.1 km
Altezza Raggiunta4 m



Trasporto pubblico


Acqua potabile

Parco Giochi

Posti per sedersi

Accessibile alle sedie a rotelle

Accessibile ai passeggini

Accessibile ai Bambini

Accessibile ai cani

Paesaggio scenico

Lago o Fiume

Creato da Barbie
Dettagli Percorso
Baytown Avenue Loop - Sandestin Resort, Floridaè un 5.1 km(7.500-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a Miramar Beach, Florida, Stati Uniti d'America.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 4 m ed è classificato con facile. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.
This loop goes around the Bayside area of the Sandestin resort. The beach side is on the other side of 98. I didn’t know how long it was but I had wanted to walk it as soon as I got to my vacation. There is nothing boring about it other than it’s pretty flat. At Christmas you pass by all the decorated neighborhood entrances. It takes you by Joylee Island and the Village shops. There are many places to eat at the village and there is transport if you get in over your head 😂
Dettagli Percorso


5.1 km

Altezza Raggiunta

4 m


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