Percorsi Inghilterra DronfieldBarlow
Circuito di Barlow maggiore

Barlow, Dronfield, Inghilterra

Circuito di Barlow maggiore

Lunghezza7.9 km
Altezza Raggiunta172 m




Posti per sedersi

Accessibile ai Bambini

Accessibile ai cani

Paesaggio scenico

Creato da PacerGal_1963
Dettagli Percorso
Circuito di Barlow maggioreè un 7.9 km(11.000-passi) percorso localizzato vicino a Barlow, Dronfield, Inghilterra.Questo percorso ha unelevazione di circa 172 m ed è classificato con medio. Trova nuovi percorsi come questo nellApp Pacer.
From the car park walk down the road towards Wildaygreen. At the post box at the end of the road bear left walking upwards. Great views over towards Chesterfield from the top. As you near the village you can see the Peacock pub on your left. Stop for a drink or a meal - they even do breakfast. Turn along the track to your left that leads to the church. This cuts a corner off and is quiet. Now head down the road passing farms and fields. Cross over the bridge at the bottom of the lane and turn right to Barlow Fisheries. Here there is a small cafe and toilets. Walk past all the lakes and along the path by the river. At the road turn up the hill. Follow the road for about 400m then bear left. Walk along this road going over the crossroads and up the hill. Open views of the valley are now behind you. Keep following the road until it turns into a woodland track. After about 20m turn left along a footpath to a farm track. The stone barn on your left is the longest in Derbyshire. Walk along the track to the end turning left back onto the road near the car park.
Dettagli Percorso


7.9 km

Altezza Raggiunta

172 m


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