Rutas Estados Unidos FloridaDestin
Parque estatal Henderson Beach

Destin, Florida, Estados Unidos

Parque estatal Henderson Beach

Longitud6.6 km
Aumento en Elevación8 m




Agua potable

Parque de juegos

Sitios para sentarse

Amigable para la sillas de ruedas

Amigable con los cochecitos

Amigable con los niños

Con vistas hermosas

Sitio histórico


Creado por angeles
Detalles de la Ruta
Parque estatal Henderson Beach es una ruta 6.6 km (de 9.500 pasos) ubicada cerca de Destin, Florida, Estados Unidos. Esta ruta tiene una elevación cercana a 8 m y tiene una calificación de fácil. Usted puede encontrar más rutas como esta en la aplicación Pacer.
Henderson Beach State Park is a Florida state park located near Destin, in northwestern Florida. The park was purchased in 1983 from the Henderson family estate and opened to the public in March 1991. This was the first acquisition under the Save Our Coast land conservation program initiated by Governor Bob Graham. The family wanted to protect the natural characteristics of the area and let the public enjoy the surroundings. The initial construction included two picnic pavilions, bathrooms, beach access walkways, an entrance station and support facilities. In March 2000, 30 camping sites, a bathhouse, a camping area, a playground and additional pedestrian walkways were added. An additional 30 camps were added shortly after bringing the total to 60. A beautiful three-quarter-mile nature trail was built through a partnership with the Friends of the Emerald Coast State Parks that gives visitors an unusual view of some of the last remaining coastal communities of scrublands in the area. Admission is $ 6 and is open 365 days a year. Pets have different rules, it is advisable to inquire first. Localitation 17000 Emerald Coast Pkwy
Lista de Puntos de Referencia

Punto de Inicio

Punto de Referencia 1

One of the pavilions next to the beach, with tables, bathrooms and showers.

Punto de Referencia 2


Punto de Referencia 3

Playground and access to the trail.

Punto de Referencia 4

Camping area

Punto de Finalización

Detalles de la Ruta


6.6 km

Aumento en Elevación

8 m


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