Dayton Walking Track Section 1
Length 0.6 Km

Delaware Park
Length 1.6 Km
Part is located conveniently by Rhea Central Elementary school. It is a flat 8/10 of a mile course however on the course a start and stop. Have been painted for 1 mile and 2 mile segments. Park can you get quite crowded especially in the evening time with basketball soccer and softball players. But makes for excellent morning run.

Bryan Library
Length 1.4 Km

Hell's Kitchen Trail
Length 1.6 Km

CT_Bryan Overlook Trail
Length 0.2 Km

CT_Laurel-Snow Trail
Length 3.4 Km

Delaware Complex
Length 1.4 Km

CT & Climber Access
Length 0.4 Km

Temporary CT Connection
Length 0.3 Km