Itinéraires Etats-Unis État de WashingtonFriday Harbor
Parc communautaire John O. Linde - Friday Harbor, WA

Friday Harbor, État de Washington, Etats-Unis

Parc communautaire John O. Linde - Friday Harbor, WA

Longueur1.3 km
Gain de Hauteur9 m




Eau potable

Terrain de jeu


Accessible en fauteuil roulant

Adapté aux poussettes

Adapté aux enfants

Adapté aux promenades de chien

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Détails de l'itinéraire
Parc communautaire John O. Linde - Friday Harbor, WA est un itinéraire 1.3 km (2 000pas) localisé près de Friday Harbor, État de Washington, Etats-Unis. Cet itinéraire a un gain de hauteur autour de 9 m et est classé facile. Trouvez plus ditinéraires comme celui-ci sur lApp Pacer.
30-acre park includes athletic fields, a playground, and walking trails. The park is open for public use from 6:30am – 9:00pm. By varying your path, crossing through the center, and using the entire perimeter of the park you can easily come up with a 5K to match your mood and intensity level. Gradual slopes, stairs, steep hillsides, and open fields provide endless workout possibilities. The restrooms are clean and water fountains are available throughout the park. There is ample parking and the trails are wide enough for walkers, runners, motorized mobility, strollers, dogs, and bicycles. The park is less than a mile from downtown which makes it easily accessible for vacationers staying in town.
Détails de l'itinéraire


1.3 km

Gain de Hauteur

9 m


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