Liigun koos Biomarketiga
Väljakutse toimub 04.05.23-31.05.23. Väljakutse on avalik. Väljakutse raames jagatakse auhindu. Palun kasuta väljakutses oma täisnime.
Please open this page on your phone to join
~or search this code in the Pacer App~
Challenge Code: BVW16S87
05/04/2023 ~ 05/31/2023
Compete for the most steps. Maximum of 100000 steps per day.
Allowed activities: pedometer and GPS tracked walks, runs & hikes, treadmill sessions, and guided workout sessions. No manually input activities.
50€ kinkekaart kõige rohkem samme kogunud Biomarketi töötaja ja väljapoolt Biomarketit liitunud osaleja. Kõikide lävendi(210 000 sammu kokku) ületanute vahel loosime välja 10 tervist ja rõõmu toetavaid Biomarketi tooteid sisaldavad auhinnakomplektid väärtusega 40€.
Post achievements on social media with #liigunbiomarketiga #tervejaroomus
Days Finished
What's a Virtual Challenge?

Virtual Challenges are a fun way to get active with your favorite community. Use the Pacer app to complete your challenge where and when you want.

How do I Participate?

No purchase or payment is necessary to participate. Just download the free Pacer app for your smartphone and follow the instructions below:

Tap the "Join" button above
If you have Pacer already, just tap the join button on this page to jump right in! If you don't have Pacer, you'll be asked to download it first.
Or Search "Challenge Code" within the Pacer app
① Copy the "Challenge Code".
Challenge Code
② Open or Download the Pacer App, and tap the search icon on the home page.
Please open this page on your phone to join