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January 5k Race #4

Test your mettle by completing at least one run of 5k or more before time expires and earn your completion badge. All levels are welcome!

participant 0participant 1participant 25995 Participants
Challenge Code: AI8SR5S8
Jan 22, 2025 ~ Jan 28, 2025 (Ended)
Use GPS tracking to record 5 km (3.1 mi) in a single session.
Scan with your phone to
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The Pacer Group

Organizing Walking Club

The Pacer Group

314107 Members
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Walking Challenge Leaderboard

Victor iconVictor
Patrick/Pastor iconPatrick/Pastor
Dattatrey Joshi iconDattatrey Joshi
Pierre iconPierre
Yogendra iconYogendra
Susanne  🐾 iconSusanne 🐾
Kudo Bear iconKudo Bear
Karine iconKarine
Michael iconMichael
DadoFerreira iconDadoFerreira
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Walking Challenge Posts

🌸💕VERA🌸💕 profile

🌿 «Из окна комнаты открывался вид на густой, зелёный лес. Деревья стояли тесно друг к другу, их кроны переплетались, создавая плотный покров, через который едва пробивались солнечные лучи. Вдалеке слышалось пение птиц и шорох листьев, а иногда доносились звуки лесных зверей. Вид из окна напоминал живую картину, полную покоя и гармонии, куда хотелось возвращаться вновь и вновь ..»\n\n🌿 \"From the window of the room there was a view of the dense, green forest. The trees stood close to each other, their crowns intertwined, creating a dense cover through which the sun\'s rays barely broke through. In the distance, the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves were heard, and sometimes the sounds of forest animals were heard. The view from the window resembled a living picture, full of peace and harmony, where you wanted to return again and again ..\"

January 5k Race #4 🌸💕VERA🌸💕 post imageJanuary 5k Race #4 🌸💕VERA🌸💕 post imageJanuary 5k Race #4 🌸💕VERA🌸💕 post image
KEEZ-GUENAH-Brl profile


January 5k Race #4 KEEZ-GUENAH-Brl post imageJanuary 5k Race #4 KEEZ-GUENAH-Brl post imageJanuary 5k Race #4 KEEZ-GUENAH-Brl post image
Shamsuddin profile

Please like or 🩷 all of your team members in February Group Challenge, it’s an important tie-breaker factor. Today is the 18th day of February. Let’s go! #10kSteps #SJEmpireWalkers #StayActive #EnjoyWalking #WalkTogether #Stepchallenge #PacerApp #JustDoWalks #HaveFun #200km #5kmWeek3 #FebruaryGroupChallenge #14days#PerfectScore #Greenland-Nuuk #RouteOfDonQuixote #Hokkaido ..

January 5k Race #4 Shamsuddin post image
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The Pacer Group

Organizing Walking Club

The Pacer Group

314107 Members
View Walking Club

Walking Challenge Info

Walking Challenge Details

01/22/2025 ~ 01/28/2025
Use GPS tracking to record 5 km (3.1 mi) in a single session.
Allowed activities: GPS tracked walks, runs & hikes only.
Everyone can earn a finisher badge.
Post achievements on social media with #StepChallenge #VirtualRace #PacerApp

Finish a 5 km race (~3.1 miles) using Pacer's GPS exercise tracker to get an exclusive finisher's badge for this event.

Complete your 5 km whenever and wherever you like before time runs out on this event to get participation credit for this global virtual 5 km race. All fitness levels are encouraged to participate. Just pick a safe road or trail, tap start and get moving!

Walking Challenge Rewards

Any user who uses Pacer's GPS tracking feature to record a qualifying session of at least 5 km (~3.1 miles) will earn a finisher's badge.

After completing a 5 km during the race, you will receive a 5 km completed badge. If you complete more than one 5 km during the challenge time period, Pacer will automatically count your best pace time toward your ranking.

5k Completed icon5k Completed

How to Enter This Walking Challenge?

No purchase or payment is necessary to participate. Simply join the challenge within the Pacer app.

1️⃣ Only walking, running and hiking activities recorded by Pacer's GPS feature are eligible for this challenge if they meet the minimum distance requirement.

2️⃣ Manually added activities and treadmill sessions DO NOT count toward participation. Data manually input using third-party data sources such as Apple Health, Fitbit, Garmin, Google Fit will also be excluded.

3️⃣ GPS-tracked activities that exceed reasonable human speed or step length, or activities with highly inaccurate data will be excluded.

About Pacer Walking Challenge

What is a Pacer Walking Challenge?
Pacer allows you to create walking clubs for friendly competitions with your walking community or have a discussion about any health-related topics easily. Pacer is the best walking app for finding walking clubs.
What kind of walking challenges can I create with Pacer?
Pacer allows you to create walking clubs for friendly competitions with your walking community or have a discussion about any health-related topics easily. Pacer is the best walking app for finding walking clubs.
How to create or join a Pacer walking challenge?
Pacer allows you to create walking clubs for friendly competitions with your walking community or have a discussion about any health-related topics easily. Pacer is the best walking app for finding walking clubs.
Last updated: Feb 18, 2025
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Pacer Walking App

Pacer is the best walking app for walking challenges and finding places to walk near me.